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Green Signage Why do we offer refurbishment for electronic price tags?

Dispose of digital price tags after one life cycle? - NO - With xplace's refurbishment offer you can experience a sustainable revival. Our offer not only turns your electronic price tags into a green investment that can save you cash, but also bypasses the long delivery times for new goods due to the current market situation.

We refurbish already used electronic price labels for our existing customers or new customers. With refurbishment, we extend the product life cycle of the labels by at least five years, the usual service life of the installed battery.

Depending on use and manufacturer, some signs can even be recycled up to three times. In this way, we offer you the opportunity to optimise your electronic price labelling in an environmentally friendly way and to take full advantage of the benefits of green signage.

invidis has reported on our ESL refurbishment. Click here for the article!

Remanufacturing digital price tags How does it work?

Five steps of ESL refurbishment in xplace production:


  • Visual inspection
  • Census
  • Battery replacement
  • Function test
  • Cleaning and packing

the processed digital price tags are usually returned to the sender and can be used directly.

We make it possible to combine digitalisation and sustainability.

xplace. sustainable digital.


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