xplace is a modern and conscientious company that takes its social responsibility towards its shareholders, employees and customers seriously. Therefore, we have established a functioning compliance culture and defined guiding principles in our daily business.
Our Compliance Promise
We work continuously to develop a common understanding of what we consider to be impeccable behaviour and develop the processes to match.
The xplace management is committed to setting a good example ("Management by Example") and to always emphasise the importance of compliance to employees ("Tone from the Top"). Furthermore, no unobjective exceptions or deviations from compliance requirements are tolerated ("Zero Tolerance").
The guidelines are formulated in a comprehensible manner and are available to all employees on the intranet. In addition, all our employees are trained according to their level and function within the framework of classroom training. Every supervisor as well as the Compliance Officer are available to our employees at any time to answer questions. They also receive concrete information about possible violations and ensure the necessary confidentiality.